Salmonella rapid system for complex matrices (-60 min)
A salmonella detection system (-6 hours)
Salmonella Detection

The Technology
Stay ahead of the global curve

S | In Depth
Based on more than 10 years of scientific research, аt the core of our technology are specially developed fluorescent conjugates. The conjugates used with a biological recognition element, detect the pathogen of interest in just a few minutes. Providing robust sensitivity and working without bacteria enrichment, our goal is to become the new standard in food safety for bacteria detection and control.

Salmonella specific recognition proteins

P | Variety of forms
Stand-alone protein​
Conjugated with fluorophore​
Conjugated with magnetic beads
Leonyte’s biorecognition element is significantly better at Salmonella capture and purification than commercially available antibodies
P | Application
Biotinylating of protein/ nucleotides for research labs - kits​
Fluorescent constructs for research labs - kits

Salmonella detection on images

P | Image detection software
Detecting salmonella on a given image
Define thresholds for bacteria size and tolerance rate
Connect your storage (AWS S3, Google Cloud storage) for input and output
We are building on top of various machine learning techniques (including AWS Recognition)